Le 17/06/2014 10:40, ofbiz.u...@nym.hush.com a écrit :
Dear Jaques,

thanks for your answer.

I double-checked: In fact my sources are based on a 12.04 checkout
from around Oktober 13, not an 11.04.

So my 12.04 checkout did not contain the patch mentioned.
I applied the patch and had recognizable progress.  I found further
bugs, but no more showstoppers as to now.

I would like to report my findings, but as we have seen, I do not
measure from the correct baseline; so my problems may be only mine,
greatly irrellevant to ofbiz.

As I am trying to find a base for deployment, I am reluctant to go
for trunk, as the baseline for testing could vanish randomly every
day.  So I
went for 12.04 in 08.2013, because it looked more stable than 13.xx

I would also not be comfortable with randomly updating my
production environment with trunk checkouts.

I do not yet fully understand the development/configuration/release
model of ofbiz, please allow me to ask:

Are there labels for 12.04.01, 12.04.02, 12.04.03, 12.04.04?  (I
observed o "voting" for 12.04.03.  What is it about?)
This is explained here http://ofbiz.apache.org/download.html ("Release 
Information" section)

How can I reproduce these releases?

I only find labels like "12.04" at github.

Because you are using a  branch not an official release

Which up-to-date label would you recommend as a base for end to end
tests and following production deployment after fixes?

I personally use trunk but you can now also rely on R13.07

Basically...maybe I lost it: do you even plan on "freezing" a
release, or is a "release" just a snapshot from trunk?

You need to learn more about the Apache way :)

Is a release based on a defined feature set, that is patched up
after release until stable?

What is the difference between 12.04.xx and 13.xx.xx?

Is the data model stable or compatible in 12.xx?
On release update steps must I plan for full blown data migration?

HTH, Let me know if you need more info


Kind regards,


Re: ofbiz 12.04r1532787: VAT fails in cart/order - so ofbiz
12.04r1532787 fails in the EU
Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
13.06.2014 09:39 +0200

Le 12/06/2014 13:12, ofbiz.u...@nym.hush.com a écrit :
I really would like to use ofiz in EU, so I need VAT.

How can I find out about this issue?

...after a lot of googling, I found


from 08-2011.

How can I get it working?  Is it fixed in the trunk now (which
It's fixed in trunk HEAD, since

can I fix it with that patch (is it tested?)
It's already in all official living releases (R11.04 being the
older one)
>From my comment date in the Jira issue you could have deduced that
Also by looking at the Source tab in the Jira issue

      01/Feb/11 07:40
      2 kB

How can I find out if this issue has been addressed or fixed, if
so, in which revision of which version?

Or do I have to gut the tax system myself in sleepless nights,
submitting changes only to myself?

Please don't speak about sleepless nights, I have more than my share



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