Hi Ashish,

You may try to use a form instead of an url with parameters.


On 25/07/2015 08:04, Ashish Repal wrote:
Hi All,
I am getting below exception when calling the service from controller.

[ServiceEventHandler.java:408:ERROR] =============== Found URL parameter
[shipId] passed to secure (https) request-map with uri
[ModifyShipmentStatus] with an event that calls service
[ModifyShipmentStatus]; this is not allowed for security reasons! The data
should be encrypted by making it part of the request body (a form field)
instead of the request URL.

anyone has idea about this?


     <request-map uri="ModifyShipmentStatus">
          <security https="true" auth="true" />
         <event type="service" path="" invoke="ModifyShipmentStatus"/>
         <response name="success" type="view" value="EditTrip"/>
         <response name="error" type="view" value="EditTrip"/>

If I comment the security tag in controller it works but later it fails

org.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestHandlerException: Not accepting insecure
form data posted to a secure request

Aashish Repal

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