Hi Everyone!

Please find details of the next session I am planning to hold on OFBiz REST
implementation. This will have some hands-on examples that will help
everyone using it.

Date :  10/07/2020
Time :  4 PM IST, 12:30 PM CET
Meeting URL : TBD, I will send the invite link the day before.
Agenda :

1. Preconfigured Resources (Resources that come OTB)


   Authentication Token Generating Resource (How to invoke and example

      POST /auth/token

   Exportable Services Resource (How to call services with export=true via
   REST interface with example usage)

      GET | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH /services/{serviceName}

      GET vs POST service in parameters difference. How to invoke service
      defined as GET vs POST | POST | PATCH.

   OpenAPI Resource

      GET /openapi.json

      GET /openapi.yaml

   WADL Resource (WADL is to REST as  WSDL is to SOAP)

      GET /application.wadl

2.  Standard API responses supported for various use cases (with examples)
and how to interpret them.


   HTTP 200 OK

   HTTP 400 Bad Request

   HTTP 401 Unauthorized

   HTTP 403 Forbidden

   HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity

   HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed

   HTTP 406 Not Acceptable

   HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type

3. Content Negotiation (JSON)


   Accept : application/json

   Content-Type : application/json

4. Q&A session

Girish Vasmatkar

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