The way cassandra currently does mapreduce is that it iterates over all the 
rows of the column family.  So yes, performance would be related to the growing 
number of rows.  You can use the pig FILTER function to filter them down, but 
you are still iterating over all of the rows in that columns family.

There is a ticket - CASSANDRA-1600 
( that addresses this and 
allows for subsets of rows to be specified.  It will also enable mapreducing 
over secondary indexes in a column family.  We had hoped 1600 would be resolved 
by now but there was a complication with a dependent issue.  I have been told 
that it will definitely be in the next major release of Cassandra - 1.0, due 
out in the beginning of October.  From what I understand, these updates will 
then enable both pig and hive to more easily push down selects of subsets of 

Until then, what we've done is set up a separate column family with data that 
we want to analyze that only has a subset of the data.  Then when 1.0 comes 
out, we'll shift over to use that.


On Jun 17, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Badrinarayanan S wrote:

> Hi,
> In our production Cassandra systems we are observing the time taken by same
> PIG script keeps increasing each and every day. The PIG scripts reads data
> for a day at a time from a Cassandra Column Family. The number of rows the
> PIG script is expected to return is almost same every day, however every day
> the amount of rows we are storing in Cassandra is increasing. We haven't
> changed the default setting for multiquery, it is by default enabled.
> Could this increase in PIG script execution time be related to the
> increasing number of rows in Cassandra every day? 
> Related to this I was trying to understand the behavior of LOAD statement.
> Does LOAD statement reads all the data from Cassandra and then applies the
> required filter conditions? If so the increase in execution time could be
> attributed to the extra time required to read the ever increasing data in
> Cassandra.
> We are also working on a suitable archival mechanisms for our data so that
> the total number of rows that are stored are always maintained at an optimum
> count. This should also help us to maintain almost constant PIG script
> execution time every day.
> Please advice.
> Thanks,
> Badri

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