Here is my user vote again, because I do not see it in the mail.
Shale logo contest vote:

  1st choice: D. Kolarova  {Entry 43}
  2nd choice: D. Kolarova  {Entry 42}
  3rd choice: D. Kolarova {Entry 41}
  4th choice: D. Kolarova  {Entry 40}
  5th choice: Jacob Hookom  {Entry 3}

My first choice is the one with the faces, because the idea behind
Shale, as far as I understand it, is to enrich and supplement  JSF. As
adeveloper using Struts I think it is the best that could happen with
JSF, because it will make it better and help us developers work with
it. I already know a big part of the Struts source code and I am sure
this will ease the developemnt with Shale to me and the understanding
of the Shale source code as well:)

My next choice are 3 logos made by me, that express the model of a
graph containing modules that can be aded and removed from software
project. My idea was to express the componentized structure of the

And my last choice is a logo that I like from the very beginning of
the contest, because it associates the Shale project comprised of

Good Luck to everyone in the contest!

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