Hopefully this is not a too silly question:

I am struggling getting the tiger extension (1.0.4) working in my Tomcat 6.0.13
and using the Java Service Wrapper (http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org) for 
startup. Everything seems to come up right but if accessing a annotated bean,
it is not recognized.

I debugged  now a little bit and realized that the LifecycleListener is not 
kicked on, thus, the Tiger extension is never initialized (LifecycleListener2).
If I register the LifecycleListener in the web.xml, everything seems to work

My question now is simply if this registration is mandatory because, what
confuses me, if running my little example without the wrapper in the Tomcat
everything goes without registering the listener. As far as I have seen in
the docs, it is only necessary to put the tiger extension jar, with core
and view, into the lib.

Thanks a lot!
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