>From: Tomasz Pasierb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hey guys, 
> I was wondering if there is any support for developing clay xml views in 
> Eclipse Europa - it's hard to remember all the available tag and their 
> attributes :(. When developing jsp or jsf pages I get some content 
> assist but can't get any for clay pages. 
> How do you develop views using clay? 

The shale_clay_plugin_for_eclipse resting in the sandbox.  The build only works 
with eclipse 3.2 but you can still get it to build with a few steps. Give it a 
try.  It's real slick.

1) Build is dependent on the 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shale/framework/trunk shale
cd shale 
mvn clean install

2) The plugin needs the sandbox parent pom. 

svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shale/sandbox/ sandbox
cd sandbox/shale-eclipse-plugins/plugins/shale_clay_plugin_for_eclipse

3) Eclipse 3.3 will not work with the maven pde-maven-plugin but the script 
will resolve the dependencies.  The build will fail but the /lib folder will be 
populated with jars for the maven repos.

mvn install

4) Open a workspace in eclipse 3.3 and import existing projects into workspace. 
Select the "shale_clay_plugin_for_eclipse" folder.
5) Select the /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and use the "Exporting" wizzard on the 
   tab (step 3) to build the plugin.

6)  Drop the exported plugin jar "shale_clay_plugin_1.0.0.jar" into your 3.3 
plugins folder.

7)  Start eclipse using the -update command line arg.

8)  Open up a shale/clay project.  Right mouse click the clay-config.xml, Open 
With/Clay XML Editor 

> Thanks 
> Tom 


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