Hello, I know similar questions was made in the past but I haven't found
a response. I'm trying to render an HTML that depends of the current
datatable row value,  but the result is that all render the same page:

This is the code:

<t:dataTable value="#{home.banners}" var="c">
                <clay:clay id="prueba" jsfid="WDynamicClay" managedBeanName="c">
                        <c:symbol name="page" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>

And "WDynamicClay" is an xml component definition:

<component jsfid="WDynamicClay" extends="clay">
            <set name="clayJsfid" value="@page"/>

The managedBeanName's attribute "jsfid" returns a different clay html template 
but always the last template is rendered. 
I tried other alternatives but always with identical result:

- Using a ShapeValidator
- Create a JSF component that adds a clay component
- Extending the Clay component

Thanks in advance.
Daniel del Río.

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