You might try wrapping the script in a CDATA before trying to escape the JS.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Jeff Tsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use Shale validator with xulfaces. (XUL is a user 
> interface language that is a type of XML) The first problem I'm having 
> is that
> <val:validatorScript functionName="validateForm"/>
> is encoded as follows:
> <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript1.1">
> function _required() { 
> this[0] = new Array("j_id_id32", "null is required.", new Function("x", 
> "return 
> {}[x];"));
>     }
> var bCancel = false;
> function validateForm(form) {
>     var bValid = true;
>     var sFormName = jcv_retrieveFormName(form);
>     if ((bValid && !bCancel && ("" == sFormName))) {
>         bValid = (validateRequired(form));
> }
>     return bValid;
> }
> ...
> Note the &&. When I load this page in Firefox, it complains that && is 
> not valid XML, which it is not. It should be escaped to &amp;&amp;. I 
> guess because HTML browsers allow special characters like & in side 
> <script> tags, this problem wasn't caught previously. I guess if the 
> script appeared in an XHTML document, and a browser was strict, this 
> problem could show up too.
> So I was trying to fix this problem and looking at 
> org.apache.shale.validator.faces.ValidatorScript.writeValidationFunctions(). 
> It looks like the script text is written here with 
> ResponseWriter.write(). The problem is ResponseWrite.write() doesn't 
> escape the characters as ResponseWriter.writeText() does. However, 
> writeText() won't work since it closes any open tags (in this case 
> <script>). So we need to escape ourselves. The trouble is, how do we 
> know how to escape the characters? I was thinking of using 
> org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml() and escapeHtml(), 
> but how can we determine what the content type we are outputting is? If 
> we knew, I guess we could then create a WrappedResponseWriter that 
> overloads write(String) ...
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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