Thank you for your answer. Would you have by any chance some example
code (even fragmentary) that I could study?

On 28 May 2014 14:04, Tom Vacek <> wrote:
> Maybe I should add: if you can hold the entire matrix in memory, then this
> is embarrassingly parallel.  If not, then the complications arise.
> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Tom Vacek <> wrote:
>> The problem with matrix multiplication is that the amount of data blows up
>> between the mapper and the reducer, and the shuffle operation is very slow.
>> I have not ever tried this, but the shuffle can be avoided by making use of
>> the broadcast.  Say we have M = L*R.  We do a column decomposition on R, and
>> we collect rows of L to the master and broadcast them (in manageably-sized
>> blocks).  Each worker does a dot product and discards the row block when
>> finished.  In theory, this has complexity max(nnz(L)*log p, nnz(L)*n/p).  I
>> have to warn though: when I played with matrix multiplication, I was getting
>> nowhere near serial performance.
>> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Christian Jauvin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm new to Spark and Hadoop, and I'd like to know if the following
>>> problem is solvable in terms of Spark's primitives.
>>> To compute the K-nearest neighbours of a N-dimensional dataset, I can
>>> multiply my very large normalized sparse matrix by its transpose. As
>>> this yields all pairwise distance values (N x N), I can then sort each
>>> row and only keep the K highest elements for each, resulting in a N x
>>> K dense matrix.
>>> As this Quora answer suggests:
>>> rather than the row-wise dot product, which would be O(N^2), it's
>>> better to compute the sum of the column outer products, which is O(N x
>>> K^2).
>>> However, given the number of non-zero elements in the resulting
>>> matrix, it seems I could not afford to first perform the full
>>> multiplication (N x N) and then prune it afterward (N x K).. So I need
>>> a way to prune it on the fly.
>>> The original algorithm I came up with is roughly this, for an input
>>> matrix M:
>>> for each row i:
>>> __outer_i = [0] * N
>>> __for j in nonzero elements of row i:
>>> ____for k in nonzero elements of col j:
>>> ______outer_i[k] += M[i][j] * M[k][j]
>>> __nearest_i = {sort outer_i and keep best K}
>>> which can be parallelized in an "embarrassing" way, i.e. each compute
>>> node can simply process a slice of the the rows.
>>> Would there be a way to do something similar (or related) with Spark?
>>> Christian

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