Thank you, Andrew!

On 5 June 2014 23:14, Andrew Ash <> wrote:

> Oh my apologies that was for 1.0
> For Spark 0.9 I did it like this:
> MASTER=spark://mymaster:7077 SPARK_MEM=8g ./bin/spark-shell -c
> The downside of this though is that SPARK_MEM also sets the driver's JVM
> to be 8g, rather than just the executors.  I think this is the reason for
> why SPARK_MEM was deprecated.  See
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Oleg Proudnikov <
> > wrote:
>> Thank you, Andrew,
>> I am using Spark 0.9.1 and tried your approach like this:
>> bin/spark-shell --driver-java-options
>> "-Dspark.executor.memory=$MEMORY_PER_EXECUTOR"
>> I get
>> bad option: '--driver-java-options'
>> There must be something different in my setup. Any ideas?
>> Thank you again,
>> Oleg
>> On 5 June 2014 22:28, Andrew Ash <> wrote:
>>> Hi Oleg,
>>> I set the size of my executors on a standalone cluster when using the
>>> shell like this:
>>> ./bin/spark-shell --master $MASTER --total-executor-cores
>>> $CORES_ACROSS_CLUSTER --driver-java-options
>>> "-Dspark.executor.memory=$MEMORY_PER_EXECUTOR"
>>> It doesn't seem particularly clean, but it works.
>>> Andrew
>>> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Oleg Proudnikov <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Please help me set Executor JVM memory size. I am using Spark shell and
>>>> it appears that the executors are started with a predefined JVM heap of
>>>> 512m as soon as Spark shell starts. How can I change this setting? I tried
>>>> setting SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY before launching Spark shell:
>>>> I also tried several other approaches:
>>>> 1) setting SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY in conf/ on the worker
>>>> 2)  passing it as -m argument and running bin/ 1 -m 1g on
>>>> the worker
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Oleg
>> --
>> Kind regards,
>> Oleg

Kind regards,


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