By the way, in case it's not clear, I mean our maintenance branches:

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Patrick Wendell <> wrote:
> Hey Jeremy,
> This is patched in the 1.0 and 0.9 branches of Spark. We're likely to
> make a 1.0.1 release soon (this patch being one of the main reasons),
> but if you are itching for this sooner, you can just checkout the head
> of branch-1.0 and you will be able to use r3.XXX instances.
> - Patrick
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Jeremy Lee
> <> wrote:
>> Some people (me included) might have wondered why all our m1.large spot
>> instances (in us-west-1) shut down a few hours ago...
>> Simple reason: The EC2 spot price for Spark's default "m1.large" instances
>> just jumped from 0.016 per hour, to about 0.750. Yes, Fifty times. Probably
>> something to do with world cup.
>> So far this is just us-west-1, but prices have a tendency to equalize across
>> centers as the days pass. Time to make backups and plans.
>> "m3" spot prices are still down at $0.02 (and being new, will be bypassed by
>> older systems), so it would be REAAALLYY nice if there had been some
>> progress on that issue. Let me know if I can help with testing and whatnot.
>> --
>> Jeremy Lee  BCompSci(Hons)
>>   The Unorthodox Engineers

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