I am upgrading from Spark 0.9.0 to 1.0 and I had a pretty good amount of
code working with internals of MLLib. One of the big changes was the move
from the old jblas.Matrix to the Vector/Matrix classes included in MLLib.

However I don't see how we're supposed to use them for ANYTHING other than
a container for passing data to the included APIs... how do we do any math
on them? Looking at the internal code, there are quite a number of
private[mllib] declarations including access to the Breeze representations
of the classes.

Was there a good reason this was not exposed? I could see maybe not wanting
to expose the 'toBreeze' function which would tie it to the breeze
implementation, however it would be nice to have the various mathematics
wrapped at least.

Right now I see no way to code any vector/matrix math without moving my
code namespaces into org.apache.spark.mllib or duplicating the code in
'toBreeze' in my own util functions. Not very appealing.

What are others doing?

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