Hi Helene,

Thanks for the report. In Spark 1.1, we use a special exit code to indicate |SparkSubmit| fails because of class not found. But unfortunately I chose a not so special exit code — 1… So whenever the process exit with 1 as exit code, the |-Phive| error message is shown. A PR that changes 1 to 101 has been merged to master, hopefully to reduce potential exit code conflicts.


On 9/25/14 5:44 PM, Hélène Delanoeye wrote:


We've just experienced an issue with the new Spark-1.1.0 and the start-thriftserver.sh script.

We tried to launch start-thriftserver.sh with "--master yarn" option and got the following error message :

/Failed to load Hive Thrift server main class org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.HiveThriftServer2.
You need to build Spark with -Phive. /

In fact Spark was built with -Phive option, but the real problem was this one :

/Application appattempt_1411058337040_0118_000001 submitted by user xxxxx to unknown queue: default/

So the solution was to specified the queue, and it works :
/opt/spark/sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --master yarn --queue spark-batch

Hope this could help, as the error message is not really clear (and rather wrong).



*Hélène Delanoeye *Software engineer / Search team

*E*helene.delano...@kelkoo.com <mailto:helene.delano...@kelkoo.com> *Y!Messenger* kelkoohelened
*T* (+33) 4 56 09 07 57
*A* 6, rue des Méridiens 38130 Echirolles FRANCE


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