I'm relatively new to Spark and have got a couple of questions:

 I've got an IntelliJ SBT project that's using Spark Streaming with a 
custom RabbitMQ receiver in the same project. When I run it against 
local[2], all's well. When I put in spark://masterip:7077, I get a 
ClassNotFoundException for RmqReceiver (the name of the custom 
receiver). Note, this is being executed inside IntelliJ, and no jars are
 built in the target folder. I guess using spark-submit would work, but 
was wondering if there's a way to simply run the app in IntelliJ and 
have it work.
* I see there's an sc.addJars(..) method that would (I 
imagine) submit additional jars. Is there a way for it to submit the 
"current project's" classes as well. Or would building and submitting 
the package take care of this?

Any pointers are appreciated.


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