Yes I would expect it as you say, setting executor-cores as 1 would work, but 
it seems to me that when I do use executor-cores=1 than it does actually 
perform more than one job on each of the machines at one time moment (at least 
based on what top says).

CC: ""
It's not very difficult to implement by properly set parameter of 
application.Some basic knowledge you should know: An application can have only 
one executor at each machine or container (YARN).So you just set executor-cores 
as 1, then each executor will make only one task at once. 
2014-10-28 19:00 GMT+08:00 < <>>:
But I guess that this makes only one task over all the clusters nodes. I would 
like to run several tasks, but I would like Spark to not run more than one map 
at each of my nodes at one time. That means I would like to let's say have 4 
different tasks and 2 nodes where each node has 2 cores. Currently hadoop runs 
2 maps in parallel at each node (all the 4 tasks in parallel), but I would like 
to somehow force it to run only 1 task at each node and to give it another task 
after the first task will finish.  

The number of tasks is decided by the input partition numbers.If you want only 
one map or flatMap at once, just call coalesce() or repartition() to associate 
data into one partition.However, this is not recommend because it was not 
executed parallel efficiently.
2014-10-28 17:27 GMT+08:00 < <>>:

I am currently struggling with how to properly set Spark to perform only one 
map, flatMap, etc at once. In other words my map uses multi core algorithm so I 
would like to have only one map running to be able to use all the machine cores.

Thank you in advance for advices and replies. 


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