Yes I agree, and it may also be ambiguous in semantic. A list of objects V.S. A 
list with single List Object.

I’ve also tested that, seems

a.      There is a bug in registerFunction, which doesn’t support the UDF 
without argument. ( I just create a PR for this: )

b.      It expects the function return type to be immutable.Seq[XX] for List, 
immutable.Map[X, X] for Map, scala.Product for Struct, and only Array[Byte] for 
binary. The Array[_] is not supported.

Cheng Hao

From: Tobias Pfeiffer []
Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2014 9:05 AM
To: Jerry Raj
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Spark SQL UDF returning a list?


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jerry Raj 
<<>> wrote:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.57] failure: ``('' 
expected but identifier myudf found

I also tried returning a List of Ints, that did not work either. Is there a way 
to write a UDF that returns a list?

You seem to be hitting a parser limitation before your function is even called. 
The message you are seeing is saying "there must be an opening bracket here", 
and I am afraid you won't get around this whatever function you write... (maybe 
the HiveContext provides a possibility, though).


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