If you want to learn about how Spark partitions the data based on keys,
here is a recent talk about that

Of course you can read the original Spark paper

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 3:52 PM, Gerard Maas <gerard.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In spark-streaming, the consumers will fetch data and put it into
> 'blocks'. Each block becomes a partition of the rdd generated during that
> batch interval.
> The size of each is block controlled by the conf:
> 'spark.streaming.blockInterval'. That is, the amount of data the consumer
> can collect in that time.
> The number of  RDD partitions in a streaming interval will be then: batch
> interval/ spark.streaming.blockInterval * # of consumers.
> -kr, Gerard
> On Mar 13, 2015 11:18 PM, "Mohit Anchlia" <mohitanch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I still don't follow how spark is partitioning data in multi node
>> environment. Is there a document on how spark does portioning of data. For
>> eg: in word count eg how is spark distributing words to multiple nodes?
>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Tathagata Das <t...@databricks.com>
>> wrote:
>>> If you want to access the keys in an RDD that is partition by key, then
>>> you can use RDD.mapPartition(), which gives you access to the whole
>>> partition as an iterator<key, value>. You have the option of maintaing the
>>> partitioning information or not by setting the preservePartitioning flag in
>>> mapPartition (see docs). But use it at your own risk. If you modify the
>>> keys, and yet preserve partitioning, the partitioning would not make sense
>>> any more as the hash of the keys have changed.
>>> TD
>>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Mohit Anchlia <mohitanch...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I am trying to look for a documentation on partitioning, which I can't
>>>> seem to find. I am looking at spark streaming and was wondering how does it
>>>> partition RDD in a multi node environment. Where are the keys defined that
>>>> is used for partitioning? For instance in below example keys seem to be
>>>> implicit:
>>>> Which one is key and which one is value? Or is it called a flatMap
>>>> because there are no keys?
>>>> // Split each line into words
>>>> JavaDStream<String> words = lines.flatMap(
>>>>   new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
>>>>     @Override public Iterable<String> call(String x) {
>>>>       return Arrays.asList(x.split(" "));
>>>>     }
>>>>   });
>>>> And are Keys available inside of Function2 in case it's required for a
>>>> given use case ?
>>>> JavaPairDStream<String, Integer> wordCounts = pairs.reduceByKey(
>>>>   new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
>>>>     @Override public Integer call(Integer i1, Integer i2) throws
>>>> Exception {
>>>>       return i1 + i2;
>>>>     }
>>>>   });

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