I am trying to unit test some code which takes an existing HiveContext and
uses it to execute a CREATE TABLE query (among other things). Unfortunately
I've run into some hurdles trying to unit test this, and I'm wondering if
anyone has a good approach.

The metastore DB is automatically created in the local directory, but it
doesn't seem to be cleaned up afterward. Is there any way to get Spark to
clean this up when the context is stopped? Or can I point this to some
other location, such as a temp directory?

Trying to create a table fails because it is using the default warehouse
directory (/user/hive/warehouse). Is there some way to change this without
hard-coding a directory in a hive-site.xml; again, I'd prefer to point it
to a temp directory so it will be automatically removed. I tried a couple
of things that didn't work:

   - hiveContext.sql("SET hive.metastore.warehouse.dir=/tmp/dir/xyz")
   - hiveContext.setConf("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", "/tmp/dir/xyz")

Any advice from those who have been here before would be appreciated.

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