Nobody using Spark SQL JDBC/Thrift server with DSE Cassandra?


From: Mohammed Guller []
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 11:49 AM
Subject: Anybody using Spark SQL JDBC server with DSE Cassandra?

Hi -

We have successfully integrated Spark SQL with Cassandra. We have a backend 
that provides a REST API that allows users to execute SQL queries on data in 
C*. Now we would like to also support JDBC/ODBC connectivity , so that user can 
use tools like Tableau to query data in C* through the Spark SQL JDBC server.

However, I have been unable to find a driver that would allow the Spark SQL 
Thrift/JDBC server to connect with Cassandra. DataStax provides a closed-source 
driver that comes only with the DSE version of Cassandra.

I would like to find out how many people are using the Spark SQL JDBC server + 
DSE Cassandra combination. If you do use Spark SQL JDBC server + DSE, I would 
appreciate if you could share your experience. For example, what kind of issues 
you have run into? How is the performance? What reporting tools you are using?

Thank  you.


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