> On 5 Jun 2015, at 08:03, Pierre B <pierre.borckm...@realimpactanalytics.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi list!
> My problem is quite simple.
> I need to access several S3 buckets, using different credentials.:
> ```
> val c1 =
> sc.textFile("s3n://[ACCESS_KEY_ID1:SECRET_ACCESS_KEY1]@bucket1/file.csv").count
> val c2 =
> sc.textFile("s3n://[ACCESS_KEY_ID2:SECRET_ACCESS_KEY2]@bucket2/file.csv").count
> val c3 =
> sc.textFile("s3n://[ACCESS_KEY_ID3:SECRET_ACCESS_KEY3]@bucket3/file.csv").count
> ...
> ```
> One/several of those AWS credentials might contain "/" in the private access
> key.
> This is a known problem and from my research, the only ways to deal with
> these "/" are:
> 1/ use environment variables to set the AWS credentials, then access the s3
> buckets without specifying the credentials
> 2/ set the hadoop configuration to contain the the credentials.
> However, none of these solutions allow me to access different buckets, with
> different credentials.
> Can anyone help me on this?
> Thanks
> Pierre

long known outstanding bug in Hadoop s3n, nobody has ever sat down to fix. One 
subtlety is its really hard to test -as you need credentials with a / in. 

The general best practise is recreate your credentials

Now, if you can get the patch to work against hadoop trunk, I promise I will 
commit it

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