Not sure if Spark RDD will provide API to fetch the record one by one from the 
final result set, instead of the pulling them all / (or whole partition data) 
and fit in the driver memory.

Seems a big change.

From: Cheng Lian []
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 3:51 PM
To: 姜超才; Hester wang;
Subject: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: Met OOM when fetching more than 
1,000,000 rows.

Thanks for the extra details and explanations Chaocai, will try to reproduce 
this when I got chance.

On 6/12/15 3:44 PM, 姜超才 wrote:
I said "OOM occurred on slave node", because I monitored memory utilization 
during the query task, on driver, very few memory was ocupied. And i remember i 
have ever seen the OOM stderr log on slave node.

But recently there seems no OOM log on slave node.
Follow the cmd 、data 、env and the code I gave you, the OOM can 100% repro on 
cluster mode.



--------- 原始邮件信息 ---------
发件人: "Cheng Lian" <><>
收件人: "姜超才" <><>, 
"Hester wang" <><>, 
主题: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: Met OOM when fetching more than 1,000,000 rows.
日期: 2015/06/12 15:30:08 (Fri)

Hi Chaocai,

Glad that 1.4 fixes your case. However, I'm a bit confused by your last comment 
saying "The OOM or lose heartbeat was occurred on slave node". Because from the 
log files you attached at first, those OOM actually happens on driver side 
(Thrift server log only contains log lines from driver side). Did you see OOM 
from executor stderr output? I ask this because there are still a large portion 
of users are using 1.3, and we may want deliver a fix if there does exist bugs 
that causes unexpected OOM.

On 6/12/15 3:14 PM, 姜超才 wrote:
Hi Lian,

Today I update my spark to v1.4. This issue resolved.


--------- 原始邮件信息 ---------
发件人: "姜超才"
收件人: "Cheng Lian" , "Hester wang" ,
主题: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: Met OOM when fetching more than 1,000,000 rows.
日期: 2015/06/11 08:56:28 (Thu)

No problem on Local mode. I can get all rows.

Select * from foo;

The OOM or lose heartbeat was occured on slave node.



--------- 原始邮件信息 ---------
发件人: "Cheng Lian"
收件人: "姜超才" , "Hester wang" ,
主题: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: Met OOM when fetching more than 1,000,000 rows.
日期: 2015/06/10 19:58:59 (Wed)

Hm, I tried the following with 0.13.1 and 0.13.0 on my laptop (don't have 
access to a cluster for now) but couldn't reproduce this issue. Your program 
just executed smoothly... :-/

Command line used to start the Thrift server:

    ./sbin/ --driver-memory 4g --master local

SQL statements used to create the table with your data:

    create table foo(k string, v double);
    load data local inpath '/tmp/bar' into table foo;

Tried this via Beeline:

    select * from foo limit 1600000;

Also tried the Java program you provided.

Could you also try to verify whether this single node local mode works for you? 
 Will investigate this with a cluster when I get chance.

On 6/10/15 5:19 PM, 姜超才 wrote:
When set "spark.sql.thriftServer.incrementalCollect" and set driver memory to 
7G, Things seems stable and simple:
It can quickly run through the query line, but when traversal the result set ( 
while rs.hasNext ), it can quickly get the OOM: java heap space. See attachment.

/usr/local/spark/spark-1.3.0/sbin/ --master 
spark://cx-spark-001:7077 --conf spark.executor.memory=4g --conf 
spark.driver.memory=7g --conf spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles=true --conf 
spark.shuffle.manager=sort --conf 
"spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit" --conf 
spark.file.transferTo=false --conf spark.akka.timeout=2000 --conf --conf spark.cores.max=8 --conf 
spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb=256 --conf 
spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer --conf 
spark.akka.frameSize=512 --driver-class-path /usr/local/hive/lib/classes12.jar 
--conf spark.sql.thriftServer.incrementalCollect=true



--------- 原始邮件信息 ---------
发件人: "Cheng Lian"
收件人: "姜超才" , "Hester wang" ,
主题: Re: 回复: Re: Met OOM when fetching more than 1,000,000 rows.
日期: 2015/06/10 16:37:34 (Wed)

Also, if the data isn't confidential, would you mind to send me a compressed 
copy (don't cc<>)?

On 6/10/15 4:23 PM, 姜超才 wrote:
Hi Lian,

Thanks for your quick response.

                I forgot mention that I have tuned driver memory from 2G to 4G, 
seems got minor improvement, The dead way when fetching 1,400,000 rows changed 
from "OOM::GC overhead limit exceeded" to " lost worker heartbeat after 120s".

                  I will try  to set 
"spark.sql.thriftServer.incrementalCollect" and continue increase driver memory 
to 7G, and will send the result to you.



--------- 原始邮件信息 ---------
发件人: "Cheng Lian"
收件人: "Hester wang" ,
主题: Re: Met OOM when fetching more than 1,000,000 rows.
日期: 2015/06/10 16:15:47 (Wed)

Hi Xiaohan,

Would you please try to set "spark.sql.thriftServer.incrementalCollect" to 
"true" and increasing driver memory size? In this way, HiveThriftServer2 uses 
RDD.toLocalIterator rather than RDD.collect().iterator to return the result 
set. The key difference is that RDD.toLocalIterator retrieves a single 
partition at a time, thus avoid holding the whole result set on driver side. 
The memory issue happens on driver side rather than executor side, so tuning 
executor memory size doesn't help.

On 6/10/15 3:46 PM, Hester wang wrote:
Hi Lian,

I met a SparkSQL problem. I really appreciate it if you could give me some 
help! Below is the detailed description of the problem, for more information, 
attached are the original code and the log that you may need.

I want to query my table which stored in Hive through the SparkSQL JDBC 
And want to fetch more than 1,000,000 rows. But met OOM.
sql = "select * from TEMP_ADMIN_150601_000001 limit XXX ";

My Env:
5 Nodes = One master + 4 workers,  1000M Network Switch ,  Redhat 6.5
Each node: 8G RAM, 500G Harddisk
Java 1.6, Scala 2.10.4, Hadoop 2.6, Spark 1.3.0, Hive 0.13

A table with user and there charge for electricity data.
About 1,600,000 Rows. About 28MB.
Each row occupy about 18 Bytes.
2 columns: user_id String, total_num Double

Repro Steps:
1. Start Spark
2. Start SparkSQL thriftserver, command:
/usr/local/spark/spark-1.3.0/sbin/ --master 
spark://cx-spark-001:7077 --conf spark.executor.memory=4g --conf 
spark.driver.memory=2g --conf spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles=true --conf 
spark.shuffle.manager=sort --conf 
"spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit" --conf 
spark.file.transferTo=false --conf spark.akka.timeout=2000 --conf --conf spark.cores.max=8 --conf 
spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb=256 --conf 
spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer --conf 
spark.akka.frameSize=512 --driver-class-path /usr/local/hive/lib/classes12.jar
3. Run the test code, see it in attached file:
4. Get the OOM:GC overhead limit exceeded  or OOM: java heap space   or  lost 
worker heartbeat after 120s.  see the attached logs.

Preliminary diagnose:
1. When fetching less than 1,000,000 rows , it always success.
2. When fetching more than 1,300,000 rows , it always fail with OOM: GC 
overhead limit exceeded.
3. When fetching about 1,040,000-1,200,000 rows, if query right after the 
thrift server start up, most times success. if I successfully query once then 
retry the same query, it will fail.
4. There are 3 dead pattern: OOM:GC overhead limit exceeded  or OOM: java heap 
space   or  lost worker heartbeat after 120s.
5. I tried to start thrift with different configure, give the worker 4G MEM or 
2G MEM , got the same behavior. That means , no matter the total MEM of worker, 
i can get less than 1,000,000 rows, and can not get more than 1,300,000 rows.

Preliminary conclusions:
1. The total data is less than 30MB, It is so small, And there is no complex 
computation operation.
So the failure is not caused by excessive memory requirements.
So I guess there are some defect in spark sql code.
2. Allocate 2G or 4G MEM to each worker, got same behavior.
This point strengthen my doubts: there are some defect in code. But I can't 
find the specific location.

Thank you so much!

Xiaohan Wang

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