Hi folks, I have been using Spark against an external Metastore service
which runs Hive with Cdh 4.6

In Spark 1.2, I was able to successfully connect by building with the

./make-distribution.sh --tgz -Dhadoop.version=2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.2.0
-Phive-thriftserver -Phive-0.12.0

I see that in Spark 1.4 the Hive 0.12.0 profile is deprecated in favor of

When I tried to use this setup spark-shell fails for me with the following

15/06/23 18:18:07 INFO hive.HiveContext: Initializing
HiveMetastoreConnection version 0.12.0 using [Ljava.net.URL;@7b7a9a6c
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
com/google/common/base/Preconditions when creating Hive client using
classpath: file:/hive/lib/guava-11.0.2.jar,


I don't know why it's not seeing the class -- it's in the guava jar. If
anyone has had success with 0.12 version please let me know what jars need
to be on the classpath. I think my Hive version might be too outdated but I
don't control the metastore and I had success with Spark1.2 so I'm hoping...

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