The  simple answer is that SparkR does support map/reduce operations over RDD’s 
through the RDD API, but since Spark v 1.4.0, those functions were made private 
in SparkR. They can still be accessed by prepending the function with the 
namespace, like SparkR:::lapply(rdd, func). It was thought though that many of 
the functions in the RDD API were too low level to expose, with much more of 
the focus going into the DataFrame API. The original rationale for this 
decision can be found in its JIRA [1]. The devs are still deciding which 
functions of the RDD API, if any, should be made public for future releases. If 
you feel some use cases are most easily handled in SparkR through RDD 
functions, go ahead and let the dev email list know.

[1] --

From: Wei Zhou <<>>
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 4:59 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: How to Map and Reduce in sparkR

Anyone knows whether sparkR supports map and reduce operations as the RDD 
transformations? Thanks in advance.


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