Parquet support for Thrift/Avro/ProtoBuf ENUM types are just added to the master branch.

ENUM types are actually not in the Parquet format spec, that's why we didn't have it at the first place. Basically, ENUMs are always treated as UTF8 strings in Spark SQL now.


On 7/22/15 3:41 AM, ankits wrote:
Hi, I am using a custom build of spark 1.4 with the parquet dependency
upgraded to 1.7. I have thrift data encoded with parquet that i want to
partition by a column of type ENUM. Spark programming guide says partition
discovery is only supported for string and numeric columns, so it seems
partition discovery won't work out of the box here.

Is there any workaround that will allow me to partition by ENUMs? Will hive
partitioning help here? I am unfamiliar with Hive, and how it plays into
parquet, thrift and spark so I would appreciate any pointers in the right
direction. Thanks.

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