Dear Michael, dear all,

distinguishing those records that have a match in mapping from those that
don't is the crucial point.

Record(x : Int,  a: String)
Mapping(x: Int, y: Int)


Record(1, "hello")
Record(2, "bob")
Mapping(2, 5)

yield (2, "bob", 5) on an inner join.
BUT I'm also interested in (1, "hello", null) as there is no counterpart in
mapping (this is the left outer join part)

I need to distinguish 1 and 2 because of later inserts (case 1, hello) or
updates (case 2, bon).

Cheers and thanks,

Am 30.07.2015 22:58 schrieb "Michael Armbrust" <>:
> Perhaps I'm missing what you are trying to accomplish, but if you'd like
to avoid the null values do an inner join instead of an outer join.
> Additionally, I'm confused about how the result
of joinedDF.filter(joinedDF("y").isNotNull).show still contains null values
in the column y. This doesn't really have anything to do with nullable,
which is only a hint to the system so that we can avoid null checking when
we know that there are no null values. If you provide the full code i can
try and see if this is a bug.
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Martin Senne <> wrote:
>> Dear Michael, dear all,
>> motivation:
>> object OtherEntities {
>>   case class Record( x:Int, a: String)
>>   case class Mapping( x: Int, y: Int )
>>   val records = Seq( Record(1, "hello"), Record(2, "bob"))
>>   val mappings = Seq( Mapping(2, 5) )
>> }
>> Now I want to perform an left outer join on records and mappings (with
the ON JOIN criterion on columns (recordDF("x") === mappingDF("x") ....
shorthand is in leftOuterJoinWithRemovalOfEqualColumn
>> val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
>> // used to implicitly convert an RDD to a DataFrame.
>> import sqlContext.implicits._
>> val recordDF= sc.parallelize(OtherEntities.records, 4).toDF()
>> val mappingDF = sc.parallelize(OtherEntities.mappings, 4).toDF()
>> val joinedDF = recordDF.leftOuterJoinWithRemovalOfEqualColumn(
mappingDF, "x")
>> joinedDF.filter(joinedDF("y").isNotNull).show
>> Currently, the output is

>> |x|    a|   y|
>> +-+-----+----+
>> |1|hello|null|
>> |2|  bob|   5|
>> +-+-----+----+
>> instead of

>> |x|  a|y|
>> +-+---+-+
>> |2|bob|5|
>> +-+---+-+
>> The last output can be achieved by the method of changing nullable=false
to nullable=true described in my first post.
>> Thus, I need this schema modification as to make outer joins work.
>> Cheers and thanks,
>> Martin
>> 2015-07-30 20:23 GMT+02:00 Michael Armbrust <>:
>>> We don't yet updated nullability information based on predicates as we
don't actually leverage this information in many places yet.  Why do you
want to update the schema?
>>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:19 AM, martinibus77 <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> 1. *Columns in dataframes can be nullable and not nullable. Having a
>>>> nullable column of Doubles, I can use the following Scala code to
filter all
>>>> "non-null" rows:*
>>>>   val df = ..... // some code that creates a DataFrame
>>>>   df.filter( df("columnname").isNotNull() )
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> |x|    a|   y|
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> |1|hello|null|
>>>> |2|  bob|   5|
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> root
>>>>  |-- x: integer (nullable = false)
>>>>  |-- a: string (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- y: integer (nullable = true)
>>>> And with the filter expression
>>>> +-+---+-+
>>>> |x|  a|y|
>>>> +-+---+-+
>>>> |2|bob|5|
>>>> +-+---+-+
>>>> Unfortunetaly and while this is a true for a nullable column
(according to
>>>> df.printSchema), it is not true for a column that is not nullable:
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> |x|    a|   y|
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> |1|hello|null|
>>>> |2|  bob|   5|
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> root
>>>>  |-- x: integer (nullable = false)
>>>>  |-- a: string (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- y: integer (nullable = false)
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> |x|    a|   y|
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> |1|hello|null|
>>>> |2|  bob|   5|
>>>> +-+-----+----+
>>>> such that the output is not affected by the filter. Is this intended?
>>>> 2. *What is the cheapest (in sense of performance) to turn a
>>>> column into a nullable column?
>>>> A came uo with this:*
>>>>   /**
>>>>    * Set, if a column is nullable.
>>>>    * @param df source DataFrame
>>>>    * @param cn is the column name to change
>>>>    * @param nullable is the flag to set, such that the column is either
>>>> nullable or not
>>>>    */
>>>>   def setNullableStateOfColumn( df: DataFrame, cn: String, nullable:
>>>> Boolean) : DataFrame = {
>>>>     val schema = df.schema
>>>>     val newSchema = StructType( {
>>>>       case StructField( c, t, _, m) if c.equals(cn) => StructField( c,
>>>> nullable = nullable, m)
>>>>       case y: StructField => y
>>>>     })
>>>>     df.sqlContext.createDataFrame( df.rdd, newSchema)
>>>>   }
>>>> Is there a cheaper solution?
>>>> 3. *Any comments?*
>>>> Cheers and thx in advance,
>>>> Martin
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