Hi Zhiliang,

Haven't used the Java API but found this Javadoc page, may be helpful to


I think the equivalent Java code snippet might go something like this:

RDDFunctions.fromRDD(rdd1, ClassTag$.apply(Class)).sliding(2)

(the second parameter of fromRDD comes from this discussion thread).

There is also the SlidingRDD decorator:

So maybe something like this:

new SlidingRDD(rdd1, 2, ClassTag$.apply(Class))


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Zhiliang Zhu <zchl.j...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Sujit,
> I must appreciate your kind help very much~
> It seems to be OK, however, do you know the corresponding spark Java API
> achievement...
> Is there any java API as scala sliding, and it seemed that I do not find
> spark scala's doc about sliding ...
> Thank you very much~
> Zhiliang
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 11:48 PM, Sujit Pal <sujitatgt...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Zhiliang,
> Would something like this work?
> val rdd2 = rdd1.sliding(2).map(v => v(1) - v(0))
> -sujit
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Zhiliang Zhu <zchl.j...@yahoo.com.invalid
> > wrote:
> Hi Romi,
> Thanks very much for your kind help comment~~
> In fact there is some valid backgroud of the application, it is about R
> data analysis.
> ...
> #fund_nav_daily is a M X N (or M X 1) matrix or data.frame, col is each
> daily fund return, row is the daily date
> #fund_return_daily needs to count the each fund's daily return subtracted
> the previous day's return
> fund_return_daily <- diff(log(fund_nav_daily))
> #the first row would be all 0, since there is no previous row ahead first
> row
> fund_return_daily <- rbind(matrix(0,ncol = ncol(fund_return_daily)),
> fund_return_daily)
> ...
> I need to exactly code the R program by way of spark, then RDD/DataFrame
> is used to replace R data.frame,
> however, I just found that it is VERY MUCH diffcult to make the spark
> program to flexibly descript & transform R backgroud applications.
> I think I have seriously lost myself into risk about this...
> Would you help direct me some about the above coding issue... and my risk
> about practice in spark/R application...
> I must show all my sincere thanks torwards your kind help.
> P.S. currently sparkR in spark 1.4.1 , there is many bug in the API
> createDataFrame/except/unionAll, and it seems
> that spark Java has more functions than sparkR.
> Also, no specific R regression algorithmn is including in sparkR .
> Best Regards,
> Zhiliang
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 7:36 PM, Romi Kuntsman <r...@totango.com>
> wrote:
> RDD is a set of data rows (in your case numbers), there is no meaning for
> the order of the items.
> What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
> *Romi Kuntsman*, *Big Data Engineer*
> http://www.totango.com
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Zhiliang Zhu <zchl.j...@yahoo.com.invalid
> > wrote:
> Dear ,
> I have took lots of days to think into this issue, however, without any
> success...
> I shall appreciate your all kind help.
> There is an RDD<int> rdd1, I would like get a new RDD<int> rdd2, each row
> in rdd2[ i ] = rdd1[ i ] - rdd[i - 1] .
> What kinds of API or function would I use...
> Thanks very much!
> John

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