The reason why so many small files are generated should probably be the fact that you are inserting into a partitioned table with three partition columns.

If you want a large Parquet files, you may try to either avoid using partitioned table, or using less partition columns (e.g., only year, without month and day).


So you want to dump all data into a single large Parquet file?

On 10/7/15 1:55 PM, Younes Naguib wrote:

The TSV original files is 600GB and generated 40k files of 15-25MB.


*From:*Cheng Lian []
*Sent:* October-07-15 3:18 PM
*To:* Younes Naguib; ''
*Subject:* Re: Parquet file size

Why do you want larger files? Doesn't the result Parquet file contain all the data in the original TSV file?


On 10/7/15 11:07 AM, Younes Naguib wrote:


    I’m reading a large tsv file, and creating parquet files using

    insert overwrite

    table tbl partition(year, month, day)....

    Select .... from tbl_tsv;

    This works nicely, but generates small parquet files (15MB).

    I wanted to generate larger files, any idea how to address this?


    *Younes Naguib*

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