I need to take the value from a RDD and update the state of the other RDD.
Is this possible?

On 22 October 2015 at 16:06, Uthayan Suthakar <uthayan.sutha...@gmail.com>

> Hello guys,
> I have a stream job that will carryout computations and update the state
> (SUM the value). At some point, I would like to reset the state. I could
> drop the state by setting 'None' but I don't want to drop it. I would like
> to keep the state but update the state.
> For example:
> JavaPairDStream<String, String> updatedResultsState =
> streamLogs.updateStateByKey(updateResultsStream);
> At some condition, I would like to update the state by key but with the
> different values, hence different update function.
> e.g.
>  updatedResultsState = newData.updateStateByKey(resetResultsStream);
> But the  newData.updateStateByKeyvalues cannot be replaced with the value
> in streamLogs.updateStateByKey. Do you know how I could replace the state
> value in  streamLogs with newData.
> Is this possible?

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