Hi Zhiliang,

For a system of equations AX = y, Linear Regression will give you a
best-fit estimate for A (coefficient vector) for a matrix of feature
variables X and corresponding target variable y for a subset of your data.
OTOH, what you are looking for here is to solve for x a system of equations
Ax = b, where A and b are known and you want the vector x.

This Math Stackexchange page [2] explains the math in more detail, but

A * x = b can be rewritten as x = A.I * b.
You can get the pseudo-inverse of A using SVD (Spark MLLib supports SVD
[1]). So the SVD decomposition would make A a product of three other

A = U * S * V.T

and the pseudo-inverse can be written as:

A.I = V * S * U.T

Then x can be found by multiplying A.I with b.


[1] https://spark.apache.org/docs/1.2.0/mllib-dimensionality-reduction.html

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 2:19 AM, Zhiliang Zhu <zchl.j...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Sujit, and All,
> Currently I lost in large difficulty, I am eager to get some help from you.
> There is some big linear system of equations as:
> Ax = b,  A with N number of row and N number of column, N is very large, b
> = [0, 0, ..., 0, 1]T
> Then, I will sovle it to get x = [x1, x2, ..., xn]T.
> The simple solution would be to get inverse(A), and then  x = (inverse(A))
> * b .
> A would be some JavaRDD<Interable<double>> , however, for RDD/matrix there
> is add/multply/transpose APIs, no inverse API for it!
> Then, how would it conveniently get inverse(A), or just solve the linear
> system of equations by some other way...
> In Spark MLlib, there was linear regression, the training process might be
> to solve the coefficients to get some specific linear model, just is,
> Ax = y, just train by (x, y) to get A , this might be used to solve the
> linear system of equations. It is like that? I could not decide.
> I must show my deep appreciation torwards your all help.
> Thank you very much!
> Zhiliang

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