Hi All,


I face a very weird case. I have already simplify the scenario to the most
so everyone can replay the scenario. 


My env:


AWS EMR 4.1.0, Spark1.5


My code can run without any problem when I run it in a local mode, and it
has no problem when it run on a EMR cluster with one master and one task


But when I try to run a multiple node (more than 1 task node, which means 3
nodes cluster), the tasks will never return from one of it. 


The log as below:


15/11/19 21:19:07 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID
0, ip-10-165-121-188.ec2.internal, PROCESS_LOCAL, 2241 bytes)

15/11/19 21:19:07 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID
1, ip-10-155-160-147.ec2.internal, PROCESS_LOCAL, 2241 bytes)

15/11/19 21:19:07 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 2.0 in stage 0.0 (TID
2, ip-10-165-121-188.ec2.internal, PROCESS_LOCAL, 2241 bytes)

15/11/19 21:19:07 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 3.0 in stage 0.0 (TID
3, ip-10-155-160-147.ec2.internal, PROCESS_LOCAL, 2241 bytes)


So you can see the task will alternatively submitted to two instances, one
is ip-10-165-121-188 and another is ip-10-155-160-147.

And later only the tasks runs on the ip-10-165-121-188.ec2 will finish will
always just wait there, ip-10-155-160-147.ec2 never return.


The data and code has been tested in local mode, single spark cluster mode,
so it should not be an issue on logic or data.


And I have attached my test case here (I believe it is simple enough and no
any business logic is involved):


       public void createSiteGridExposure2() {

              JavaSparkContext ctx = this.createSparkContextTest("Test");

PairFlatMapFunction<String, String, String>() {


                     public Iterable<Tuple2<String, String>> call(String
line) throws Exception {

                           List<Tuple2<String, String>> res = new
ArrayList<Tuple2<String, String>>();

                           return res;






protected JavaSparkContext createSparkContextTest(String appName) {

              SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName);


              JavaSparkContext ctx = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);

              Configuration hadoopConf = ctx.hadoopConfiguration();

              if (awsAccessKeyId != null) {



                     hadoopConf.set("fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId", awsAccessKeyId);







              return ctx;




Anyone has any idea why this happened? I am a bit lost because the code
works in local mode and 2 node (1 master 1 task) clusters, but when it move
a multiple task nodes cluster, I have this issue. No error no exception, not
even timeout (because I wait more than 1 hours and there is no timeout





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