The Data Mining Group ( that created PMML are working on a
new standard called PFA that indeed uses JSON documents, see for details.

PFA could be the answer to your option c.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Nick Pentreath <>

> One such "lightweight PMML in JSON" is here -
> At least for the schema
> definitions. But nothing available in terms of evaluation/scoring. Perhaps
> this is something that can form a basis for such a new undertaking.
> I agree that distributed models are only really applicable in the case of
> massive scale factor models - and then anyway for latency purposes one
> needs to use LSH or something similar to achieve sufficiently real-time
> performance. These days one can easily spin up a single very powerful
> server to handle even very large models.
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 11:34 PM, DB Tsai <> wrote:
>> I was thinking about to work on better version of PMML, JMML in JSON, but
>> as you said, this requires a dedicated team to define the standard which
>> will be a huge work.  However, option b) and c) still don't address the
>> distributed models issue. In fact, most of the models in production have to
>> be small enough to return the result to users within reasonable latency, so
>> I doubt how usefulness of the distributed models in real production
>> use-case. For R and Python, we can build a wrapper on-top of the
>> lightweight "spark-ml-common" project.
>> Sincerely,
>> DB Tsai
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Web:
>> PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D
>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 2:29 AM, Nick Pentreath <
>> > wrote:
>>> I think the issue with pulling in all of spark-core is often with
>>> dependencies (and versions) conflicting with the web framework (or Akka in
>>> many cases). Plus it really is quite heavy if you just want a fairly
>>> lightweight model-serving app. For example we've built a fairly simple but
>>> scalable ALS factor model server on Scalatra, Akka and Breeze. So all you
>>> really need is the web framework and Breeze (or an alternative linear
>>> algebra lib).
>>> I definitely hear the pain-point that PMML might not be able to handle
>>> some types of transformations or models that exist in Spark. However,
>>> here's an example from scikit-learn -> PMML that may be instructive (
>>> and
>>>, where a fairly impressive list
>>> of estimators and transformers are supported (including e.g. scaling and
>>> encoding, and PCA).
>>> I definitely think the current model I/O and "export" or "deploy to
>>> production" situation needs to be improved substantially. However, you are
>>> left with the following options:
>>> (a) build out a lightweight "spark-ml-common" project that brings in the
>>> dependencies needed for production scoring / transformation in independent
>>> apps. However, here you only support Scala/Java - what about R and Python?
>>> Also, what about the distributed models? Perhaps "local" wrappers can be
>>> created, though this may not work for very large factor or LDA models. See
>>> also H20 example
>>> (b) build out Spark's PMML support, and add missing stuff to PMML where
>>> possible. The benefit here is an existing standard with various tools for
>>> scoring (via REST server, Java app, Pig, Hive, various language support).
>>> (c) build out a more comprehensive I/O, serialization and scoring
>>> framework. Here you face the issue of supporting various predictors and
>>> transformers generically, across platforms and versioning. i.e. you're
>>> re-creating a new standard like PMML
>>> Option (a) is do-able, but I'm a bit concerned that it may be too "Spark
>>> specific", or even too "Scala / Java" specific. But it is still potentially
>>> very useful to Spark users to build this out and have a somewhat standard
>>> production serving framework and/or library (there are obviously existing
>>> options like PredictionIO etc).
>>> Option (b) is really building out the existing PMML support within
>>> Spark, so a lot of the initial work has already been done. I know some
>>> folks had (or have) licensing issues with some components of JPMML (e.g.
>>> the evaluator and REST server). But perhaps the solution here is to build
>>> an Apache2-licensed evaluator framework.
>>> Option (c) is obviously interesting - "let's build a better PMML (that
>>> uses JSON or whatever instead of XML!)". But it also seems like a huge
>>> amount of reinventing the wheel, and like any new standard would take time
>>> to garner wide support (if at all).
>>> It would be really useful to start to understand what the main missing
>>> pieces are in PMML - perhaps the lowest-hanging fruit is simply to
>>> contribute improvements or additions to PMML.
>>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Sabarish Sasidharan <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> That may not be an issue if the app using the models runs by itself
>>>> (not bundled into an existing app), which may actually be the right way to
>>>> design it considering separation of concerns.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Sab
>>>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 9:59 AM, DB Tsai <> wrote:
>>>>> This will bring the whole dependencies of spark will may break the web
>>>>> app.
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> DB Tsai
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Web:
>>>>> PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:15 PM, Nirmal Fernando <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 2:04 AM, darren <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I agree 100%. Making the model requires large data and many cpus.
>>>>>>> Using it does not.
>>>>>>> This is a very useful side effect of ML models.
>>>>>>> If mlib can't use models outside spark that's a real shame.
>>>>>> Well you can as mentioned earlier. You don't need Spark runtime for
>>>>>> predictions, save the serialized model and deserialize to use. (you need
>>>>>> the Spark Jars in the classpath though)
>>>>>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
>>>>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>>>>> From: "Kothuvatiparambil, Viju" <
>>>>>>> Date: 11/12/2015 3:09 PM (GMT-05:00)
>>>>>>> To: DB Tsai <>, Sean Owen <>
>>>>>>> Cc: Felix Cheung <>, Nirmal Fernando <
>>>>>>>>, Andy Davidson <>,
>>>>>>> Adrian Tanase <>, "user @spark" <
>>>>>>>>, Xiangrui Meng <>,
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: thought experiment: use spark ML to real time
>>>>>>> prediction
>>>>>>> I am glad to see DB’s comments, make me feel I am not the only one
>>>>>>> facing these issues. If we are able to use MLLib to load the model in 
>>>>>>> web
>>>>>>> applications (outside the spark cluster), that would have solved the
>>>>>>> issue.  I understand Spark is manly for processing big data in a
>>>>>>> distributed mode. But, there is no purpose in training a model using 
>>>>>>> MLLib,
>>>>>>> if we are not able to use it in applications where needs to access the
>>>>>>> model.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Viju
>>>>>>> *From:* DB Tsai []
>>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 12, 2015 11:04 AM
>>>>>>> *To:* Sean Owen
>>>>>>> *Cc:* Felix Cheung; Nirmal Fernando; Andy Davidson; Adrian Tanase;
>>>>>>> user @spark; Xiangrui Meng;
>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: thought experiment: use spark ML to real time
>>>>>>> prediction
>>>>>>> I think the use-case can be quick different from PMML.
>>>>>>> By having a Spark platform independent ML jar, this can empower
>>>>>>> users to do the following,
>>>>>>> 1) PMML doesn't contain all the models we have in mllib. Also, for a
>>>>>>> ML pipeline trained by Spark, most of time, PMML is not expressive 
>>>>>>> enough
>>>>>>> to do all the transformation we have in Spark ML. As a result, if we are
>>>>>>> able to serialize the entire Spark ML pipeline after training, and then
>>>>>>> load them back in app without any Spark platform for production 
>>>>>>> scorning,
>>>>>>> this will be very useful for production deployment of Spark ML models. 
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>> only issue will be if the transformer involves with shuffle, we need to
>>>>>>> figure out a way to handle it. When I chatted with Xiangrui about this, 
>>>>>>> he
>>>>>>> suggested that we may tag if a transformer is shuffle ready. Currently, 
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> Netflix, we are not able to use ML pipeline because of those issues, 
>>>>>>> and we
>>>>>>> have to write our own scorers in our production which is quite a 
>>>>>>> duplicated
>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>> 2) If users can use Spark's linear algebra like vector or matrix
>>>>>>> code in their application, this will be very useful. This can help to 
>>>>>>> share
>>>>>>> code in Spark training pipeline and production deployment. Also, lots of
>>>>>>> good stuff at Spark's mllib doesn't depend on Spark platform, and people
>>>>>>> can use them in their application without pulling lots of dependencies. 
>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>> fact, in my project, I have to copy & paste code from mllib into my 
>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>> to use those goodies in apps.
>>>>>>> 3) Currently, mllib depends on graphx which means in graphx, there
>>>>>>> is no way to use mllib's vector or matrix. And
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks & regards,
>>>>>> Nirmal
>>>>>> Team Lead - WSO2 Machine Learner
>>>>>> Associate Technical Lead - Data Technologies Team, WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>> Mobile: +94715779733
>>>>>> Blog:
>>>> --
>>>> Architect - Big Data
>>>> Ph: +91 99805 99458
>>>> Manthan Systems | *Company of the year - Analytics (2014 Frost and
>>>> Sullivan India ICT)*
>>>> +++

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