I use Spark 1.4.1 and Hadoop 2.2.0.
It may be a stupid question but I cannot understand why "dfs.blocksize" in 
hadoop option doesn't affect the number of blocks sometimes.
When I run the script below,

  val BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 512 // set to 512MB, hadoop default is 128MB
  sc.hadoopConfiguration.setInt("parquet.block.size", BLOCK_SIZE)
  sc.parallelize(1 to 500000000, 

it creates 3 files like this.

  221.1 M  /user/hive/warehouse/partition_test/part-r-00001.gz.parquet
  221.1 M  /user/hive/warehouse/partition_test/part-r-00002.gz.parquet
  221.1 M  /user/hive/warehouse/partition_test/part-r-00003.gz.parquet

To check how many blocks in a file, I enter the command "hdfs fsck 
/user/hive/warehouse/partition_test/part-r-00001.gz.parquet -files -blocks".

  Total blocks (validated):      1 (avg. block size 231864402 B)

It is normal case because maximum blocksize change from 128MB to 512MB.
In the real world, I have a bunch of files.

  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00001.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00002.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00003.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00004.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00005.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00006.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00007.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00008.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00009.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00010.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00011.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00012.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00013.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00014.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00015.gz.parquet
  14.4 M  /user/hive/warehouse/data_1g/part-r-00016.gz.parquet

Each file consists of 1block (avg. block size 15141395 B) and I run the almost 
same code as first.

  val BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 512 // set to 512MB, hadoop default is 128MB
  sc.hadoopConfiguration.setInt("parquet.block.size", BLOCK_SIZE)

It creates one file.

 231.0 M  /user/hive/warehouse/partition_test2/part-r-00001.gz.parquet

But it consists of 2 blocks. It seems dfs.blocksize is not applicable.

  /user/hive/warehouse/partition_test2/part-r-00001.gz.parquet 242202143 bytes, 
2 block(s):  OK
  0. BP-2098986396- 
len=134217728 repl=2
  1. BP-2098986396- 
len=107984415 repl=2

Because of this, Spark read it as 2partition even though I repartition data 
into 1partition. If the file size after repartitioning is a little more 128MB 
and save it again, it writes 2 files like 128Mb, 1MB.
It is very important for me because I use repartition method many times. Please 
help me figure out.


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