On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Nisrina Luthfiyati <
nisrina.luthfiy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to understand how yarn-client mode works and found these two
> diagrams:
> In the first diagram, it looks like the driver running in client directly
> communicates with executors to issue application commands, while in the
> second diagram it looks like application commands is sent to application
> master first and then forwarded to executors.

My limited understanding tells me that regardless of deploy mode (local,
standalone, YARN or mesos), drivers (using TaskSchedulerImpl) sends
TaskSets to executors once they're launched. YARN and Mesos are only used
until they offer resources (CPU and memory) and once executors start, these
cluster managers are not engaged in the communication (driver and executors
communicate using RPC over netty since 1.6-SNAPSHOT or akka before).

I'd love being corrected if mistaken. Thanks.


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