Spark streaming by default wont start the next batch until the current
batch is completely done, even if only a few cores are still working.  This
is generally a good thing, otherwise you'd have weird ordering issues.

Each topicpartition is separate.

Unbalanced partitions can happen either because 1. your hash while
producing into kafka is bad (e.g. hash on customer id and 90% of your
traffic is from one customer);  or 2. because you're doing a map over
several topics with wildly different message rates.  If you're having the
first problem, you just need to fix it.  If you're having the second
problem, use different spark jobs for different topics.

On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Neelesh <> wrote:

> @Chris,
>     There is a 1-1 mapping b/w spark partitions & kafka partitions out of
> the box . One can break it by repartitioning of course and add more
> parallelism, but that has its own issues around consumer offset management-
>  when do I commit the offsets, for example. While its trivial to increase
> the number of Kafka partitions to achieve higher parallelism, it is
> inherently static and cannot solve the problem of traffic bursts.  If it
> were possible to repartition data from a single kafka partition and still
> be able to handle consumer offset management when all child partitions that
> make up the kafka partition succeeded/failed, it would solve the problem.
> @Cody, would love to hear your thoughts around this.
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Chris Fregly <> wrote:
>> separating out your code into separate streaming jobs - especially when
>> there are no dependencies between the jobs - is almost always the best
>> route.  it's easier to combine atoms (fusion), then split them (fission).
>> I recommend splitting out jobs along batch window, stream window, and
>> state-tracking characteristics.
>> for example, imagine 3 separate jobs for the following:
>> 1) light storing of raw data into Cassandra (500ms batch interval)
>> 2) medium aggregations/window roll ups (2000ms batch interval)
>> 3) heavy training a ML model (10000ms batch interval).
>> and reminder that you can control (isolate or combine) the spark
>> resources used by these separate, single purpose streaming jobs using
>> scheduler pools just like your batch spark jobs.
>> @cody:  curious about neelesh's question, as well.  does the Kafka Direct
>> Stream API treat each Kafka Topic Partition separately in terms of parallel
>> retrieval?
>> more context:  within a Kafka Topic partition, Kafka guarantees order,
>> but not total ordering across partitions.  this is normal and expected.
>> so I assume the the Kafka Direct Streaming connector can retrieve (and
>> recover/retry) from separate partitions in parallel and still maintain the
>> ordering guarantees offered by Kafka.
>> if this is true, then I'd suggest @neelesh create more partitions within
>> the Kafka Topic to improve parallelism - same as any distributed,
>> partitioned data processing engine including spark.
>> if this is not true, is there a technical limitation to prevent this
>> parallelism within the connector?
>> On Dec 19, 2015, at 5:51 PM, Neelesh <> wrote:
>> A related issue -  When I put multiple topics in a single stream, the
>> processing delay is as bad as the slowest task in the number of tasks
>> created. Even though the topics are unrelated to each other, RDD at time
>> "t1" has to wait for the RDD at "t0"  is fully executed,  even if most
>> cores are idling, and  just one task is still running and the rest of them
>> have completed. Effectively, a lightly loaded topic gets the worst deal
>> because of a heavily loaded topic
>> Is my understanding correct?
>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Cody Koeninger <>
>> wrote:
>>> You could stick them all in a single stream, and do mapPartitions, then
>>> switch on the topic for that partition.  It's probably cleaner to do
>>> separate jobs, just depends on how you want to organize your code.
>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 11:11 AM, Jean-Pierre OCALAN <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi Cody,
>>>> First of all thanks for the note about spark.streaming.concurrentJobs.
>>>> I guess this is why it's not mentioned in the actual spark streaming doc.
>>>> Since those 3 topics contain completely different data on which I need
>>>> to apply different kind of transformations, I am not sure joining them
>>>> would be really efficient, unless you know something that I don't.
>>>> As I really don't need any interaction between those streams, I think I
>>>> might end up running 3 different streaming apps instead of one.
>>>> Thanks again!
>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Cody Koeninger <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Using spark.streaming.concurrentJobs for this probably isn't a good
>>>>> idea, as it allows the next batch to start processing before current one 
>>>>> is
>>>>> finished, which may have unintended consequences.
>>>>> Why can't you use a single stream with all the topics you care about,
>>>>> or multiple streams if you're e.g. joining them?
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 3:00 PM, jpocalan <> wrote:
>>>>>> Nevermind, I found the answer to my questions.
>>>>>> The following spark configuration property will allow you to process
>>>>>> multiple KafkaDirectStream in parallel:
>>>>>> --conf spark.streaming.concurrentJobs=<something greater than 1>
>>>>>> --
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>>>> jean-pierre ocalan

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