I am using spark-1.6.0 and java. I created a cluster using spark-ec2. I am
having a heck of time figuring out how to write from my streaming app to AWS
s3. I should mention I have never used s3 before and am not sure it is set
up correctly. 

org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3.S3Exception: org.jets3t.service.S3ServiceException:
S3 HEAD request failed for Œ/com.newco.test' - ResponseCode=403,

Here is what I did 

1. on my local mac.
> 1. Export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=MyKey
> 2. Export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=mySecret
> 3. $ spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6/ec2/spark-ec2 --key-pair=ec2-main
> --identity-file=~/.ssh/ec2-main.pem --region=us-west-1 --slaves=3
> --copy-aws-credentials launch test_S3
2. I logged into AWS S3 console
> 1. Create a bucket com.newco.test

1) Is my URL correct?

2) ‹copy-aws-credentials did not seem to do anything

Based on log error messages and Googling  it looks like my app need to set
up the hadoop configuration. What keys need to be set?

JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set( Š )

"fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId² or "fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId"

"fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey² or ³fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey"

"fs.s3.impl² ???

Kind regards


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