Can you pastebin the full error with all column types ?

There should be a difference between some column(s).


> On Feb 11, 2016, at 2:12 AM, Zsolt Tóth <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to append a column of a dataframe to another DF (using Spark 1.5.2):
> DataFrame outputDF = unlabelledDF.withColumn("predicted_label", 
> predictedDF.col("predicted"));
> I get the following exception:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: DataFrame must have 
> the same schema as the relation to which is inserted.
> DataFrame schema: StructType(StructField(predicted_label,DoubleType,true), 
> ...<other 700 numerical (ByteType/ShortType) columns>
> Relation schema: StructType(StructField(predicted_label,DoubleType,true), 
> ...<the same 700 columns>
> The interesting part is that the two schemas in the exception are exactly the 
> same.
> The same code with other input data (with fewer, both numerical and 
> non-numerical column) succeeds.
> Any idea why this happens?

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