2016-02-15 14:02 GMT+01:00 Sun, Rui <rui....@intel.com>:
> On computation, RRDD launches one R process for each partition, so there 
> won't be thread-safe issue
> Could you give more details on your new environment?

Running on EC2, I start the executors via

     /usr/bin/R CMD javareconf -e "/usr/lib/spark/sbin/start-master.sh"

I invoke R via roughly

    object R {
      case class Element(value: Double)
      lazy val re = Option(REngine.getLastEngine()).getOrElse({
        val eng = new JRI.JRIEngine()

      def fit(curve: Seq[Element]): Option[Fitting] = {
        synchronized {
          val env = re.newEnvironment(null, false)
          re.assign("curve", new REXPDouble(curve.map(_.value).toArray), env)
          val df = re.parseAndEval("data.frame(curve=curve)", env, true)
          re.assign("df", df, env)
          val fitted = re.parseAndEval("fit(df)", env, true).asList
          if (fitted.keys == null) {
          } else {
            val map = fitted.keys.map(key => (key,

where `fit` is wrapped in an UDAF.

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