Experimenting with datasets in Spark 1.6.0 I ran into a serialization error
when using case classes containing a Seq member. There is no problem when
using Array instead. Nor is there a problem using RDD or DataFrame (even if
converting the DF to a DS later).

Here's an example you can test in the Spark shell:

import sqlContext.implicits._

case class SeqThing(id: String, stuff: Seq[Int])
val seqThings = Seq(SeqThing("A", Seq()))
val seqData = sc.parallelize(seqThings)

case class ArrayThing(id: String, stuff: Array[Int])
val arrayThings = Seq(ArrayThing("A", Array()))
val arrayData = sc.parallelize(arrayThings)

// Array works fine

// Seq can't convert directly to DS
seqData.toDS // Serialization exception

Is this working as intended? Are there plans to support serializing
arbitrary Seq values in datasets, or must everything be converted to Array?

~Daniel Siegmann

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