HI all
 i am trying to run a ML program against some data, using DecisionTrees.
To fine tune the parameters, i am running this loop to find the optimal
values for
impurity, depth and bins

for (impurity <- Array("gini", "entropy");
           depth    <- Array(1,2,3, 4, 5);
           bins     <- Array(10,20,25,28)) yield {
           val model = DecisionTree.trainClassifier(
               trainingData, numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
               impurity, depth, bins)

           val accuracy = getMetrics(model, testData).precision
           ((impurity, depth, bins), accuracy)

Could anyone explain me
why, if i run my program multiple times against the SAME
data, i get different optimal results for the parameters above?
i assume if i run the loop above agains the same data i will always get the
same results?
to  give you an example run1 returned following top results


while run2 gives me this top results


could anyone explain why?

kind regards

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