Personally I think forcing the stream to fail (e.g. check offsets in
downstream store and throw exception if they aren't as expected) is
the safest thing to do.

If you proceed after a failure, you need a place to reliably record
the batches that failed for later processing.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 1:46 PM, map reduced <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to solve this problem - in my streaming flow, every day few jobs
> fail due to some (say kafka cluster maintenance etc, mostly unavoidable)
> reasons for few batches and resumes back to success.
> I want to reprocess those failed jobs programmatically (assume I have a way
> of getting start-end offsets for kafka topics for failed jobs). I was
> thinking of these options:
> 1) Somehow pause streaming job when it detects failing jobs - this seems not
> possible.
> 2) From driver - run additional processing to check every few minutes using
> driver rest api (/api/v1/applications...) what jobs have failed and submit
> batch jobs for those failed jobs
> 1 - doesn't seem to be possible, and I don't want to kill streaming context
> just for few failing batches to stop the job for some time and resume after
> few minutes.
> 2 - seems like a viable option, but a little complicated, since even the
> batch job can fail due to whatever reasons and I am back to tracking that
> separately etc.
> Does anyone has faced this issue or have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> KP

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