Spark Streaming (DStreams) wasnt designed keeping event-time in mind.
Instead, we have designed Structured Streaming to naturally deal with event
time. You should check that out. Here are the pointers.

- Programming guide -
- Blog posts
- Talk -

On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 7:05 PM, kant kodali <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I read through the documentation on Spark Streaming based on event time
> and how spark handles lags w.r.t processing time and so on.. but what if
> the lag is too long between the event time and processing time? other words
> what should I do if I am receiving yesterday's data (the timestamp on
> message shows yesterday date and time but the processing time is today's
> time) ? And say I also have a dashboard I want to update in realtime ( as
> in whenever I get the data) which shows past 5 days worth of data and
> dashboard just keeps updating.
> Thanks,
> kant

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