Hi All,
I am struggling with an odd issue and would like your help in addressing it.

AWS Cluster (40 Spark Nodes & 4 node Kafka cluster)
Spark Kafka Streaming submitted in Yarn cluster mode
Kafka - Single topic, 400 partitions
Spark 2.1 on Cloudera
Kafka 10.0 on Cloudera

We have zero messages in Kafka and starting this spark job with 100 Executors 
each with 14GB of RAM and single executor core.
The time to process 0 records(end of each batch) is 5seconds

When we increase the executors to 400 and everything else remains the same 
except we reduce memory to 11GB, we see the time to process 0 records(end of 
each batch) increases 10times to  50Second and some cases it goes to 103 

Spark Streaming configs that we are setting are
Batchwindow = 60 seconds
Backpressure.enabled = true
spark.memory.fraction=0.3 (we store more data in our own data structures)

Have tried increasing driver memory to 4GB and also increased driver.cores to 4.

If anybody has faced similar issues please provide some pointers to how to 
address this issue.

Thanks a lot for your time.


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