My understanding is - it from storageFraction. Here cached blocks are
immune to eviction - so both persisted RDDs and broadcast variables sit
here. Ref

On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 1:43 PM, Bryan Jeffrey <>

> Hello.
> Question: Do broadcast variables stored on executors count as part of
> 'storage memory' or other memory?
> A little bit more detail:
> I understand that we have two knobs to control memory allocation:
> - spark.memory.fraction
> - spark.memory.storageFraction
> My understanding is that spark.memory.storageFraction controls the amount
> of memory allocated for cached RDDs.  spark.memory.fraction controls how
> much memory is allocated to Spark operations (task serialization,
> operations, etc.), w/ the remainder reserved for user data structures,
> Spark internal metadata, etc.  This includes the storage memory for cached
> RDDs.
> You end up with executor memory that looks like the following:
> All memory: 0-100
> Spark memory: 0-75
> RDD Storage: 0-37
> Other Spark: 38-75
> Other Reserved: 76-100
> Where do broadcast variables fall into the mix?
> Regards,
> Bryan Jeffrey

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