There is also this project

It might be of interest to you Christopher.

2017-12-16 3:46 GMT-05:00 Jörn Franke <>:

> Develop your own HadoopFileFormat and use
> docs/2.0.2/api/java/org/apache/spark/SparkContext.
> html#newAPIHadoopRDD(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration,%20java.lang.
> Class,%20java.lang.Class,%20java.lang.Class) to load. The Spark
> datasource API will be relevant for you in the upcoming version 2 as an
> alternative.
> On 16. Dec 2017, at 03:33, Christopher Piggott <> wrote:
> I'm looking to run a job that involves a zillion files in a format called
> CDF, a nasa standard.  There are a number of libraries out there that can
> read CDFs but most of them are not high quality compared to the official
> NASA one, which has java bindings (via JNI).  It's a little clumsy but I
> have it working fairly well in Scala.
> The way I was planning on distributing work was with
> SparkContext.binaryFIles("hdfs://somepath/*) but that's really sending in
> an RDD of byte[] and unfortunately the CDF library doesn't support any kind
> of array or stream as input.  The reason is that CDF is really looking for
> a random-access file, for performance reasons.
> Whats worse, all this code is implemented down at the native layer, in C.
> I think my best choice here is to distribute the job using .binaryFiles()
> but then have the first task of the worker be to write all those bytes to a
> ramdisk file (or maybe a real file, we'll see)... then have the CDF library
> open it as if it were a local file.  This seems clumsy and awful but I
> haven't come up with any other good ideas.
> Has anybody else worked with these files and have a better idea?  Some
> info on the library that parses all this:
> --Chris

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