Thanks Eyal - it appears that these are the same patterns used for spark 

    On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 1:15 AM, Eyal Zituny 
<> wrote:

 Hiif you're interested in stopping you're spark application externally, you 
will probably need a way to communicate with the spark driver  (which start and 
holds a ref to the spark context)this can be done by adding some code to the 
driver app, for example:   
   - you can expose a rest api that stop the query and the spark context   

   - if running in client mode you can listen to stdin   

   - you can also listen to an external system (like kafka)
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 10:37 PM, M Singh <> wrote:

Thanks Diogo.  My question is how to gracefully call the stop method while the 
streaming application is running in a cluster.


    On Monday, December 25, 2017 5:39 PM, Diogo Munaro Vieira 
<> wrote:

 Hi M Singh! Here I'm using query.stop()
Em 25 de dez de 2017 19:19, "M Singh" <> escreveu:

Hi:Are there any patterns/recommendations for gracefully stopping a structured 
streaming application ?Thanks



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