You can not change dynamically the number of cores per executor or cores
per task, but you can change the number of executors.

In one of my jobs I have something like this, so when I know that I don't
need more than 4 executors, I kill all other executors (assuming that they
don't hold any cached data), and they join other jobs (thanks to dynamic

// At this point we have 1500 parquet files
// But we want 100 files, which means about 4 executors can process
// assuming that they can process 30 tasks each
// So we can let other executors leave the job
val executors = SparkContextUtil.getExecutorIds(sc)
executors.take(executors.size - 4).foreach(sc.killExecutor)

package org.apache.spark
* `SparkContextUtil` gives access to private methods
object SparkContextUtil {
def getExecutorIds(sc: SparkContext): Seq[String] =
sc.getExecutorIds.filter(_ != SparkContext.DRIVER_IDENTIFIER)

On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:52 AM, Donni Khan <>

> Hi All,
> Is there any way to change the  number of executors/cores  during running
> Saprk Job.
> I have Spark Job containing two tasks: First task need many executors to
> run fastly. the second task has many input and output opeartions and
> shuffling, so it needs  few executors, otherwise it taks loong time to
> finish.
> Does anyone knows if that possible in YARN?
> Thank you.
> Donni

Sent from my iPhone

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