
I am a bit confused here, it is not entirely clear to me why are you
creating the row numbers, and how creating the row numbers helps you with
the joins?

Can you please explain with some sample data?


On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 1:14 AM Andrew Davidson <aedav...@ucsc.edu.invalid>

> Hi
> I am trying to work through a OOM error. I have 10411 files. I want to
> select a single column from each file and then join them into a single
> table.
> The files have a row unique id. However it is a very long string. The data
> file with just the name and column of interest is about 470 M. The column
> of interest alone is 21 m. it is a column over 5 million real numbers.
> So I thought I would save a lot of memory if I can join over row numbers.
> # create *dummy* variable to *orderby*
> https://www.py4u.net/discuss/1840945
>             w = Window().orderBy(lit('A'))
>             sampleDF = sampleDF.select( ["NumReads"] )\
>                         .withColumnRenamed( "NumReads", sampleName )\
>                         .withColumn( "*tid*",row_number().over(w) )
> This code seem pretty complicated as someone coming from pandas an R
> dataframes. My unit test works however it generates the following warning.
> WARN WindowExec: No Partition Defined for Window operation! Moving all
> data to a single partition, this can cause serious performance degradation.
> Is there a better  way to create a row number with our reordering my data?
> The order is important
> Kind regards
> Andy

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