
I’m using Spark 3.1.1 and cannot yet update to a newer version. I have got a 
data frame with a single column of DataTypes.BinaryType where each row contains 
a byte array with generated binary data.
I try now to write this data in a single file with

mydataframe.coalesce( 1 )
       .mode( SaveMode.Overwrite )
       .format( "binaryFile" )
       .save( „s3a://mybucket/myfile <s3a://mybucket/myfile>.bin“ );

But I get the error message „java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Write is 
not supported for binary file data source“.

So my question is, how can I add to my current spark version a binary writer? I 
have seen this tutorial 
Is there an existing component which I can user under my version?

Thanks a lot for help

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