Setting the hive configuration to *spark.hive.xxx* should take effect.
Could you share your configuration?

And metastore client initialization code is here

Ankur Khanna <ankur.kha...@oracle.com> 于2022年7月4日周一 20:50写道:

> Hi,
> I am using spark-shell/spark-sql with Hive Metastore (running as a
> standalone process). I am facing a problem where the custom conf I pass
> while starting spark-shell (using –conf) is not being passed-on to the
> metastore with the session.
> I’ll appreciate help on how to get the properties passed-on to the
> metastore when starting a spark session.
> Also, it will be super-helpful if someone can point me to the code where
> the metastore client gets initialized when I begin a new spark-shell
> session. (My assumption is that hiveConf should be passed while
> initializing the metastore client instance when a new session is started)
> Spark version : 3.0.2
> Hive version : 3.1.2
> Best,
> Ankur Khanna

Qian SUN

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